Note: If you have previously connected to MC3 Secure, it is recommended to Forget the Network and reconnect to MC3Secure. This can be done by selecting the MC3Secure network and choosing Forget Network. Once completed proceed below to reconnect.
iPad and iPhone
- Go to Settings.
- Select Wi-Fi.
- Choose MC3Secure
- Enter your MC3 username and password.
- Select Join or Next
- Select Accept or Trust to verify.
- Open a browser and browse to if you are not automatically directed.
- Follow the directions to complete registration.
- Swipe down from the top.
- In the upper right hand corner, select the gear to open the Settings.
- Select Wi-Fi.
- Select MC3Secure.
- For Phase 2 Authentication: Select MSCHAPV2.
- For CA Certificate: Select Do Not Validate.
- *If device is running Android 11:
- CA Certificate: Select Use System Certificates (this field is left blank)
- Online Certificate Status: Select Do Not Validate.
- Domain: Enter
- *If device is running Android 11:
- For Identity: Enter your MC3 username.
- For Anonymous Identity: Leave this blank.
- For Password: Enter your MC3 password.
- Select Connect.
- Open a browser and browse to if you are not automatically directed
- Follow the directions to complete the registration.
- Connect to the MC3Secure network as you would connect to any Wi-Fi network.
- If prompted to, enter your MC3 username and password.
- Open a browser, and browse to if you are not automatically directed.
- Follow the instructions to complete registration.
- Go to Wi-Fi.
- Select MC3Secure.
- Change EAP Method to PEAP
- Verify the settings for Phase 2: Select MSCHAPV2
- Set Certificate to: Do Not Validate.
- **If device is running Android 11:
- CA Certificate: Select Use System Certificates (this field cannot be changed)
- Online Certificate Status: Select Do Not Validate.
- Domain: Enter
- **If device is running Android 11:
- For Identity: Enter MC3 username.
- For Anonymous Identity: Leave this blank
- For Password: Enter MC3 password
- Select Connect
- Open a browser and browse to if you are not automatically directed.
- Follow the directions to complete registration.
Connection Errors
What to check if not connecting:
- Error Message: Incorrect Username or Password for MC3Secure, Select Dismiss and re-enter username and password
- Unable to Join Network: Select the MC3Secure wireless network and choose Forget Network. Then return to Step 1.
- Wi-Fi is Turned On: Go to Settings, Select Wi-Fi and verify that the adapter is not turned off.
- Issues Connecting: Go to the Settings of MC3Secure and ensure that the device MAC is used instead of set to randomized. This can be found in Advanced.
Still Having Issues?
Please stop at one of our Help Desks for additional assistance:
Blue Bell Campus: ATC 323
Pottstown Campus: SH 256
You can also reach out to us via phone or Live Support:
Phone: 215-641-6495
Live Support: